Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Anthro Exam Notes and Review

Biological Anthropology – can demonstrate: how populations vary (biological variations; hair color, blood type, etc. ) that past populations have evolved that modern human populations are evolving and changing through time. Biological/ Physical Anthropology: Foundations In offs ? recognition of variation, concern over how species came to be. Major research areas: Paleontology's – anthropology concerned with fossil hominids; study of human evolution.Pharmacology – belonging to same taxonomic order as humans; study of vying primates; study of nonhuman primates. Human Variation – to describe and explain biological differences between various human populations. Biological study areas and specializations: Molecular anthropology Astrology (study of skeletons) Paleontology Forensic anthropology 2. Archaeology – the study of the human past through material remains found In the present. Don't do dinosaurs, few do pyramids, and fewer do space aliens. Basic Pr emise of Archeology: Material remains studied were created and deposited in the past, but are studied in the present.Surviving archaeological record is typically a pale reflection of what actually happened in the past. Prehistoric Archeology: 99% of human history is unrecorded before present historic archeology studies. Archeology today: Trash In landfills Is usually a good representation of the state of the economy (poor economy – less trash). August 24. 2012 Applied Anthropology: Work for non-academic clients, such as government agencies, community groups, and businesses. All four sub-disciplines Cultural, Linguistic, Physical (Biological), Archaeology August 27, 2012 Research Ethics: Informed Consent:Especially when performed on human subjects Medical research means the subject must be protected and aware of test What Is Who is sponsoring the research? Who can you call with questions? Personal safety and safety of the subjects Interpretation of data gathered: Mimic categor ies Used by the people interviewed Ethic categories Used by ethnographer Research Process: Formulating research questions Obtaining funding Conducting the research Interpreting the research Publishing the results Subject Position(s) of the Ethnographer(s): Country of origin Region, community Class Race/EthnicityGender/Sexual orientation Age Life experience Social Theories Current at the Time Research Conducted: Interactions that occurred during fieldwork: How the people being represented choose to represent themselves to the ethnographer. How the ethnographer represents him or herself and interprets the interactions then and later. Historical Events: Before and during the research Types of Studies: Community studies Comparative studies Multi-sited (several research areas) Problem-oriented research Longitudinal research Team research Theoretical Trends in Cultural Anthropology: Historical Particularistic:In the United States Franz Boas = father of anthropology in the United States Fo cus on Native Americans Describe cultural artifacts, knowledge Assumption: Indigenous cultures were disappearing in the face of modernity, so anthropologists needed to â€Å"salvage† that knowledge. Another important goal: argued that cultures are very complex and all components off culture matter. Ruth Benedict Margaret Made 0 Patterns of culture, culture and personality Structural Functionalism: Developed in Britain and France What are the functions of structures and how do they make everything work?Theory sakes away from the fact that society can function organically and doesn't address what happens if the society is not functioning properly or is malfunctioning. Influenced a lot of ideas about religion and society. Bronchial Mammalians Polish, taught in Britain Credited as the person who came up with doing extensive field research for a year (living in the culture). Developed out of fieldwork that it is not enough to tell the natives to come up to the house and do intervi ews, but you must live with the people of a village and see what happens on a day-to-day basis to really understand the society.A. R. Radcliff-Brown Research in Africa Claude Levi-Strauss French Took Structural Functionalism and worked it with the mind Cultural Evolution and Cultural Ecology: Concerns: Adaptations to environments Historical Ecology says you cannot assume that things are organically created but you must consider people of the past. Leslie White, Julian Steward, etc. Political Economy: Concerns: Power relations and social inequalities Pay attention to the relationships and power differences within a particular society or culture. Stresses social inequalities based on class Influenced by the Marxist theoryCultural Interpretation and Reflexive Ethnographers: Reflections about power relations involved in ethnographic research and writing. In particular, reflections about the role of the ethnographer in conducting and writing up the research. Questions scientific claims t o objectivity and truth. The idea that you must be someone from outside of the culture to analyze the culture because you will be more objective was questioned because what about the language or the subtle aspects of the culture that an outsider could not understand. Situates ethnography in history versus â€Å"ethnographic present† which made impersonations about groups.Early ethnographers were written in present tense. Present tense had a tendency to represent the cultures as unchanging. August 29, 2012 Paul Arabian (1977): 1968 0 12 years after Morocco had achieved independence from France Arabians Subject Position Research Process Richard Abraham (taught Arabian Arabic; Arabian saw Abraham as a friend) All Meeker Milk Post Modern, Post-colonial Feminist, Diaspora Studies, etc. Changes in the forms of modern society Accounts for disparities among countries and the historical legacies of European colonialism.Accounts for inequalities based on sex, gender, and race-ethnicity that were not sufficiently counted for by political economy's. Tong: Cathy A. Small (1997): Voyages: from Tong Villages to American Suburbs History Smalls subject position Research process Key cultural consultants Other research methods Self-Reflexive Ethnography US Immigration Policy: 1796 0 Free White Persons (men) ASSES O Slavery ends 1824/1924 0 National Origin Quota – Laws 1965 0 Immigration and Nationality Act 1986 0 Immigration Reform and Control Act Legal Permanent Residency: Family Reunification 2005: of 1. Lion Skilled workers Investors Random lottery 2000: 8 million applicants 1 10,000 selected 178 Tongs Refugees/political asylum cases Remittances is the money immigrants send back. Material wealth important for some aspects of life in Tong. Tong: History 1500 B. C 0 Polynesians come to settle 875 0 Stratified Chiefdom Low chiefs Specialists Commoner farmers 1150 0 ‘Lounge' Tu† Tong capital 1 575 0 4-tiered tomb September 5 Tong: Kava Drinking Ceremonie s – people were arranged and served by their social status; typically women do the serving to men. Religion: ‘Original' godsHouse's (Supreme god) Loyola (rain, wind, agriculture, harvest) Maim (holding up the islands) 5 sea gods; god for craftsmen At least 300 gods ‘Soul' gods ‘Mischievous' gods Celebrations: Community celebrations and exchanges Ceremonial wealth (kola) Tap cloths and mats; baskets of food Blankets, cash, etc. Weddings and funerals First birthday, 21st birthday Tautology Special dance performed by women; could be difficult learn Kinship and Raising Children: The Tong way (nag factions) Respect (including tapes) Children could not touch top of father's head Exchanges, obligations (gave)Outside/inside Expectation that cooking is outside of house and eating is separated from cooking. Kinship and Households: Father = head; disciplinarian Brothers, sisters Relationship becomes a lot more formal after puberty. Eldest brother, eldest sister High ex pectations; must fulfill roles if a death occurs. Eldest son's futuristic privilege is that they inherit the land. Father's sister Could have the children if she wanted; very important role.Mother's family Adoption Contact with Europeans: 1616, 1643 0 Dutch explorers asses 0 Captain James Cook (British) 1797 0 London Mission Society (Boson) sass 0 Cargo ships, Whalers asses 0 Wesleyan Methodist missionaries; Wars of Succession/Civil Wars and conflicts between chiefs 1834 0 Rising Chief converts 1845 0 Becomes King George I 1875 0 Some chiefs, land, taxes, etc. 1900 0 British Protectorate 1954 0 Independence Mourning period for a kings death is 10 days. Businesses are expected to be closed during the mourning period.With the last kings death the mourning period was deck September 10 Culture At least ‘365' different definitions â€Å"Complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, and any there capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of so ciety' (Taylor 1871). Going to be a member of a specific society Characteristics of Culture: Learned Keeping 2-3 feet of space between you and someone you don't know intimately was never a taught thing, but is learned implicitly by observation.Systems of Symbolic Meanings Religious symbols (I. E. A cross) entail a lot of meaning people. Culture teaches us how to express biological or natural ‘urges' in particular ways. What, when, and how to eat All-encompassing In other words, not restricted to ‘high culture, fine arts, great literature, etc. All that relates to everyday life. Integrated Different aspects of culture are interrelated, patterned systems. Social scientists focus a lot of attention on trying to determine various patterns and relationships.Changes in one aspect of culture usually entail changes in other aspects. Example: increasing numbers of women in the U. S working outside the home from the asses on. People use culture actively and creatively. Culture as a ‘process' vs.. A thing. Once you start thinking of culture as a process, change can take place. Various forms of knowledge and practice Culture can be adaptive or maladaptive with respect to the (natural and/or cultural) People raised with certain rules and norms, BUT Rules and norms vary according to subject positions of individuals.Gender, age, etc. They are subject to interpretation. They can be contested and changed. There are struggles within cultures (and among different groups of people) over the meanings of symbols, ideas, values, and practices. Ideals: what people say they do or should do. Practices observed by members of that society (as well as anthropologists). Levels of Many cultures have origins before nation-states were ever created. However, today: International or transnational cultures Spread of global capitalism, commercialism.Many struggles over values and meanings. National cultures Subcultures (within nations) I. E. The South in the U. S. Has several di stinguishing factors. Region, ethnicity, language, class, religion, age, etc. Cultural Relativism Practices in one culture should not be Judged by the standards of another culture. Vs.. Ethnocentrism, Human Rights, Cultural Rights Analyzing Cultures Universities You must eat, you must sleep, etc. Generalities Common in many different cultures ParticularitiesSeptember 12 Rites of Passage Separation, Limitability, Incorporation Collective Limitability Community spirit, solidarity, effervescence (some) social hierarchies are temporarily suspended. Equivalent of Carnival in Brazil is Marci Grass in the United States. Religion Beliefs and rituals concerned with supernatural beings, forces, and powers (Wallace 1966: 5 cited in Cotta). Rituals Formal, stylized, repetitive, stereotyped, practices usually performed in special places at set times. Social acts, typically with groups; participation, versus audience, religious/secular Functions of ReligionPersonal or group transformations Throug h rituals and rites of passage Create a sense of group unity Through shared practices (rituals and rites) Explain the mysterious Reduce anxiety, offer hope Help people cope with adversity Joy, fear, etc. Reduce or create anxiety Control nature and/or social worlds Achieve specific aims Provide moral codes (or values) Guide practices and beliefs Produce regret, guilt, shame Produce the need for forgiveness Capote's in Southern Mexico and live in Cacao and use the economic system of Slaughter to fund economic practices.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A study of gender inequality in different child custody cases Essay

Gender inequality in child custody cases has been happening since custody hearings were created. Today, fathers are less likely to win custody of their children; resulting in court and legal fees that the mothers do not have to pay. Regardless of the parents living situation or income, if the mother is physically healthy enough to raise the child, she has a major advantage.   On top of everything else, men are more likely to owe increasing child support, even if they are hurt or arrested for non-payment. It’s inequality like this that has plagued the family courts forever, giving them a biased and bad name. Going back to times such as the 1970s, it is well noted that even then gender inequality was quite rampant. Not only is it now well-known and admitted, but many feel with the removal of ‘tender years’ law (feeling that women raised the children, this should be primary caregiver) that inequality was taken care of; this obviously not being the case.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Indeed, typical statutory provisions at least implicitly encourage courts to consider past parental participation. Moreover, evidence that courts continue to favor mothers in custody disputes suggests that the pre-divorce caretaking function is valued.† (Elizabeth S. Scott) Not only is this seen and documented to be the same for many states; it can get even worse for small towns and municipals as their rulings have a higher chance to be biased and go unpunished and undocumented. While there are waivers to get court fees waived, many times the court rejects these fee waivers; resulting in immense costs for fathe r. If the father wants to claim custody of his child, some places may make the father file a petition for adoption (even if he is the biological father), which cost money to file. Fees for this could range from $20 to $200; something a struggling father with legal fees could usually not easily pay. With all these legal fees the father will also have to pay for any attorney fees; and for the attorney themselves. There have been many reported cases of mothers who can not support their children, being awarded custody for supposedly other reasons; while the father who could support the child is writing off as unfit. For example, there have been several cases where homeless mothers were award full custody of their children, while the father had a stable living situation. Not only living situation wise, but women who don’t have a stable source of income are often not seen as a problem in the eyes of the court. It operates under the guidance that women can get more government aid (such as welfare) for their children; often resulting in poor treatment of children due to improper nutrition and medical care. All of this is taking place due to courts going for what they feel would be the ‘best interest’ of the child, rather than the main negatives and benefits for each parent. More often than not, more care is done when a parent informs the court they want to move out of state with the child. This usually brings about a full inspection into both parents history, so to decide the right choice and not send a child out of state with an unfit parent. Operating on this backing is wrong, and this concept should be applied to every family court case regardless of circumstances or not. However, if a father was awarded custody, and wanted to move out of state to â€Å"start fresh again† or maybe â€Å"pursue love in another are†then more often than not the court would deny the father the ability to move out of state. â€Å"Where I practice, a parent wishing to move with their child out of state has to pass a two-part test. Part One: show the court a legitimate reason to move. Part Two: show the court that the move is in the best interests of the child.† (Nancy Shannon) More often than not courts find a problem with moving the child out of the mother’s state, due to incorrect thinking that all mothers are the best fit to parent their childre n; or they need to have the ability to be in contact with their children. On top of the discrimination and work required most fathers need to do in order to get custody of their child if they fail the results could end up being crippling and life ruining.   If a father is made to pay child support, right out of the court he is already in debt. Not only are the legal fees now imposed, but he now has to pay an additional monthly fee; sometimes even surpassing the cost of their monthly rent. This leads a lot of child support payers to end up not being able to pay; resulting in their arrest. What makes the entire situation worse is that once in jail their fees do not stop. The debts continue to accrue and once they get out, it could become a vicious cycle of not being able to pay, being arrested, and then being released. Yet somehow this is not the entire story of it. If you get hurt or have a medical injury making you unable to work, your payments still do not stop. You have to make a petition to the judge with proper documentation (which could be costly to print out depending on state medical information laws) and even then a judge may decide your injury is not debilitating enough. This one event in a person’s life could result in the rest of their life being ruined. â€Å"All I was saying was, ‘Give me an opportunity instead of throwing me in jail because that just puts me further behind in child support,’† Ferebee says. â€Å"Let me find work so I can earn money.’† This year, Ferebee was headed to jail a fifth time for failure to pay child support.† (Tina Griego) This could turn your life into a ‘debtors prison’ where there is no hope for escape, and once the process has started each day makes recovery more and more improbable. There should be more options available to the father that cannot pay; such as working the payment off in community service or being forced to an assigned job for a certain amount of payment until the balance is resolved. This not only means fewer pe ople in the jails for non-violent crimes but a better chance at actually paying the debt.   Unfortunately, the standard today is to just increase the debt hoping that the person could eventually afford it. One of the most compelling arguments against gender bias in court would have to be that because women usually take care of the children more often, they should be the primary caretaker. Several well-known judges had been surveyed about this, and many have told they feel this is not bias. Most judges are not getting a direct view of the household. That is why each case needs to be verified on a person-to-person basis, rather than a gender basis (i.e. look at BOTH the mother and father for the best living situation). â€Å"Her article holds that mother preference is not a gender biased opinion if the mother was the primary caretaker of the child‟s past.   She writes that bias is often seen because â€Å"fathers   are often given more credit than mothers for doing what is expected of mothers, to penalize mothers more than fathers for extramarital affairs, and to think that a mother‟s investment in her career is selfish while a father‟s is the act of a responsible provider† (Lindsay R. Estep) This quote does wonder for speaking about the current legal system regarding gender. The court official who spoke in that quote clearly demonstrates (albeit with a bit of truth in some parts) gender bias, and fails to recognize it. There are also a few things that need to be addressed regarding the quote. When the official speaks about the mother being the primary caretaker, her assumptions are wrong. If a mother was a primary caretaker of the child (i.e. father works while the mother stays at home) that does not give her any more parental rights than the father and vice versa. One of the reason’s a divorce could be happening is due to the mother’s neglect of the child while the father was away. Going with the current logic of the court official, the neglectful mother would be given the child, due to previous caretaking. The issue is that is not just an isolated problem, many places all over experience this issue, and it’s met with no resistance. The correct part of the quote is true, a mother can work while the father stays at home and vice versa. If this was the case she would not, and should not be penalized. The problem with this all is nothing is being done. Even though the mass public outrage, and people standing up against bias, places like the Supreme Court fail to do anything to prevent further discrimination. â€Å"No case so clearly prohibits consideration of sex in custody cases. It should be noted, however, that there was a potential gender issue in Palmore that received no attention from the Supreme Court. It appears that Linda began cohabiting with Clarence before they were married.† (Katherine Bartlett) This case Is well known because it enforced and helped prove the clear gender bias of sex without marriage; regardless of if the bias was on the female â€Å"Nothing more seems to have been made of this factor, either by the trial court or on review, but some courts have since noticed that mothers who cohabit outside of marriage, tend to be penalized in ways fathers who cohabit outside of marriage are not.† (Katherine Bartlett) While women face the same gender bi as in some ways, in the ways people tend to care about (who gets the child, who pays fees, etc.) is where men get overlooked in quality. This quote is important because if it’s known and documented of a clear gender bias, why hasn’t the Supreme Court stepped in and introduced better legislation and guidelines to prevent further bias? The problem is old legislation, and the refusal to make a change. A currently former Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia was quoted as saying the constitution does not dis-allow gender bias.   While not true, a Supreme Court judge, who supposedly should be speaking for the constitution, should not help spread and promote miss-information. On top of that, he was never corrected or reprimanded.   The only consequence of that action was ‘bad press’. This quote not only helps smaller local courts continue their bias but miss-informs them that they are acting legally.   Better legislation and better education for judges need t o be passed before anything can be done. And while there are many arguments that women also face these problems (and while that may be true) the problem it’s usually the men. Women are given more chances and exceptions than the men. Several document court cases have shown that on average women are given more chances to earn money and pay it, should they be ordered to pay child support. This could either be the judge informing them of state opportunities like welfare and social security, unlike the men who usually are faced with arrest threats or an actual arrest. Another idea in the system is that the reason they are in family court is often due to the father being unfit in the first place (I.e Domestic violence, threats, abuse). This is an obvious oversight into a small population of the people.   More often than not it’s just a case of a family not working well together, and no actual abuse or crimes have taken place. On top of that, when it comes to dishing out child support, the mother will likely have t he advantage; also awarded more money â€Å"In spring 1992, about one-half (6.2 million) of the 11.5 million custodial parents were awarded child support; award rates were higher for mothers than for fathers (56 percent compared with 41 percent)† (U.S. Department of Commerce) Overall, when it comes to dealing with the family courts, men are less likely to win custody of their own children. Those who have a chance at it, are often met with extreme legal fees more so than the mother. Women are often seen as a child’s protector so in the eyes of the court they are usually seen as the fit parent right from the start. It has also been noted that men’s job status and living situation is looked into more than the women’s. This is due to the assumption that women get more government aid to assist them than men; this not being true but is still a common misconception. Inequality in the courts has been taking place ever since they have been around. The problem isn’t that they refuse to acknowledge it, the problem is it’s acknowledged and yet nothing is done about it today. Works Cited: Elizabeth S. Scott.   Pluralism, Parental Preference, and Child Custody Berkley Scholarship Law,  Ã‚   May 1992 Nancy Shannon. Custody Relocation Case Study: A Judge’s Ruling on Moving Out Of State Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer  Ã‚  Ã‚   May 2014 U.S. Department of Commerce. Who Receives Child Support? Economics and Statistics Administration. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS  Ã‚  Ã‚   June 1995 Tina Griego. Locking up parents for not paying child support can be a modern-day ‘debtor’s prison’  Ã‚  Ã‚   September 26, 2014 Lindsay R. Estep.   Mommy or Daddy?: Perceived Gender Bias and Court Awarded Custodial Guardianship   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   April 27, 2011 Katherine Bartlett. Comparing race and sex discrimination in custody cases   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Duke Law EDU A study of gender inequality in different child custody cases Essay Gender inequality in child custody cases has been happening since custody hearings were created. Today, fathers are less likely to win custody of their children; resulting in court and legal fees that the mothers do not have to pay. Regardless of the parents living situation or income, if the mother is physically healthy enough to raise the child, she has a major advantage.   On top of everything else, men are more likely to owe increasing child support, even if they are hurt or arrested for non-payment. It’s inequality like this that has plagued the family courts forever, giving them a biased and bad name. Going back to times such as the 1970s, it is well noted that even then gender inequality was quite rampant. Not only is it now well-known and admitted, but many feel with the removal of ‘tender years’ law (feeling that women raised the children, this should be primary caregiver) that inequality was taken care of; this obviously not being the case.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Indeed, typical statutory provisions at least implicitly encourage courts to consider past parental participation. Moreover, evidence that courts continue to favor mothers in custody disputes suggests that the pre-divorce caretaking function is valued.† (Elizabeth S. Scott) Not only is this seen and documented to be the same for many states; it can get even worse for small towns and municipals as their rulings have a higher chance to be biased and go unpunished and undocumented. While there are waivers to get court fees waived, many times the court rejects these fee waivers; resulting in immense costs for fathe r. If the father wants to claim custody of his child, some places may make the father file a petition for adoption (even if he is the biological father), which cost money to file. Fees for this could range from $20 to $200; something a struggling father with legal fees could usually not easily pay. With all these legal fees the father will also have to pay for any attorney fees; and for the attorney themselves. There have been many reported cases of mothers who can not support their children, being awarded custody for supposedly other reasons; while the father who could support the child is writing off as unfit. For example, there have been several cases where homeless mothers were award full custody of their children, while the father had a stable living situation. Not only living situation wise, but women who don’t have a stable source of income are often not seen as a problem in the eyes of the court. It operates under the guidance that women can get more government aid (such as welfare) for their children; often resulting in poor treatment of children due to improper nutrition and medical care. All of this is taking place due to courts going for what they feel would be the ‘best interest’ of the child, rather than the main negatives and benefits for each parent. More often than not, more care is done when a parent informs the court they want to move out of state with the child. This usually brings about a full inspection into both parents history, so to decide the right choice and not send a child out of state with an unfit parent. Operating on this backing is wrong, and this concept should be applied to every family court case regardless of circumstances or not. However, if a father was awarded custody, and wanted to move out of state to â€Å"start fresh again† or maybe â€Å"pursue love in another are†then more often than not the court would deny the father the ability to move out of state. â€Å"Where I practice, a parent wishing to move with their child out of state has to pass a two-part test. Part One: show the court a legitimate reason to move. Part Two: show the court that the move is in the best interests of the child.† (Nancy Shannon) More often than not courts find a problem with moving the child out of the mother’s state, due to incorrect thinking that all mothers are the best fit to parent their childre n; or they need to have the ability to be in contact with their children. On top of the discrimination and work required most fathers need to do in order to get custody of their child if they fail the results could end up being crippling and life ruining.   If a father is made to pay child support, right out of the court he is already in debt. Not only are the legal fees now imposed, but he now has to pay an additional monthly fee; sometimes even surpassing the cost of their monthly rent. This leads a lot of child support payers to end up not being able to pay; resulting in their arrest. What makes the entire situation worse is that once in jail their fees do not stop. The debts continue to accrue and once they get out, it could become a vicious cycle of not being able to pay, being arrested, and then being released. Yet somehow this is not the entire story of it. If you get hurt or have a medical injury making you unable to work, your payments still do not stop. You have to make a petition to the judge with proper documentation (which could be costly to print out depending on state medical information laws) and even then a judge may decide your injury is not debilitating enough. This one event in a person’s life could result in the rest of their life being ruined. â€Å"All I was saying was, ‘Give me an opportunity instead of throwing me in jail because that just puts me further behind in child support,’† Ferebee says. â€Å"Let me find work so I can earn money.’† This year, Ferebee was headed to jail a fifth time for failure to pay child support.† (Tina Griego) This could turn your life into a ‘debtors prison’ where there is no hope for escape, and once the process has started each day makes recovery more and more improbable. There should be more options available to the father that cannot pay; such as working the payment off in community service or being forced to an assigned job for a certain amount of payment until the balance is resolved. This not only means fewer pe ople in the jails for non-violent crimes but a better chance at actually paying the debt.   Unfortunately, the standard today is to just increase the debt hoping that the person could eventually afford it. One of the most compelling arguments against gender bias in court would have to be that because women usually take care of the children more often, they should be the primary caretaker. Several well-known judges had been surveyed about this, and many have told they feel this is not bias. Most judges are not getting a direct view of the household. That is why each case needs to be verified on a person-to-person basis, rather than a gender basis (i.e. look at BOTH the mother and father for the best living situation). â€Å"Her article holds that mother preference is not a gender biased opinion if the mother was the primary caretaker of the child‟s past.   She writes that bias is often seen because â€Å"fathers   are often given more credit than mothers for doing what is expected of mothers, to penalize mothers more than fathers for extramarital affairs, and to think that a mother‟s investment in her career is selfish while a father‟s is the act of a responsible provider† (Lindsay R. Estep) This quote does wonder for speaking about the current legal system regarding gender. The court official who spoke in that quote clearly demonstrates (albeit with a bit of truth in some parts) gender bias, and fails to recognize it. There are also a few things that need to be addressed regarding the quote. When the official speaks about the mother being the primary caretaker, her assumptions are wrong. If a mother was a primary caretaker of the child (i.e. father works while the mother stays at home) that does not give her any more parental rights than the father and vice versa. One of the reason’s a divorce could be happening is due to the mother’s neglect of the child while the father was away. Going with the current logic of the court official, the neglectful mother would be given the child, due to previous caretaking. The issue is that is not just an isolated problem, many places all over experience this issue, and it’s met with no resistance. The correct part of the quote is true, a mother can work while the father stays at home and vice versa. If this was the case she would not, and should not be penalized. The problem with this all is nothing is being done. Even though the mass public outrage, and people standing up against bias, places like the Supreme Court fail to do anything to prevent further discrimination. â€Å"No case so clearly prohibits consideration of sex in custody cases. It should be noted, however, that there was a potential gender issue in Palmore that received no attention from the Supreme Court. It appears that Linda began cohabiting with Clarence before they were married.† (Katherine Bartlett) This case Is well known because it enforced and helped prove the clear gender bias of sex without marriage; regardless of if the bias was on the female â€Å"Nothing more seems to have been made of this factor, either by the trial court or on review, but some courts have since noticed that mothers who cohabit outside of marriage, tend to be penalized in ways fathers who cohabit outside of marriage are not.† (Katherine Bartlett) While women face the same gender bi as in some ways, in the ways people tend to care about (who gets the child, who pays fees, etc.) is where men get overlooked in quality. This quote is important because if it’s known and documented of a clear gender bias, why hasn’t the Supreme Court stepped in and introduced better legislation and guidelines to prevent further bias? The problem is old legislation, and the refusal to make a change. A currently former Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia was quoted as saying the constitution does not dis-allow gender bias.   While not true, a Supreme Court judge, who supposedly should be speaking for the constitution, should not help spread and promote miss-information. On top of that, he was never corrected or reprimanded.   The only consequence of that action was ‘bad press’. This quote not only helps smaller local courts continue their bias but miss-informs them that they are acting legally.   Better legislation and better education for judges need t o be passed before anything can be done. And while there are many arguments that women also face these problems (and while that may be true) the problem it’s usually the men. Women are given more chances and exceptions than the men. Several document court cases have shown that on average women are given more chances to earn money and pay it, should they be ordered to pay child support. This could either be the judge informing them of state opportunities like welfare and social security, unlike the men who usually are faced with arrest threats or an actual arrest. Another idea in the system is that the reason they are in family court is often due to the father being unfit in the first place (I.e Domestic violence, threats, abuse). This is an obvious oversight into a small population of the people.   More often than not it’s just a case of a family not working well together, and no actual abuse or crimes have taken place. On top of that, when it comes to dishing out child support, the mother will likely have t he advantage; also awarded more money â€Å"In spring 1992, about one-half (6.2 million) of the 11.5 million custodial parents were awarded child support; award rates were higher for mothers than for fathers (56 percent compared with 41 percent)† (U.S. Department of Commerce) Overall, when it comes to dealing with the family courts, men are less likely to win custody of their own children. Those who have a chance at it, are often met with extreme legal fees more so than the mother. Women are often seen as a child’s protector so in the eyes of the court they are usually seen as the fit parent right from the start. It has also been noted that men’s job status and living situation is looked into more than the women’s. This is due to the assumption that women get more government aid to assist them than men; this not being true but is still a common misconception. Inequality in the courts has been taking place ever since they have been around. The problem isn’t that they refuse to acknowledge it, the problem is it’s acknowledged and yet nothing is done about it today. Works Cited:    Elizabeth S. Scott.   Pluralism, Parental Preference, and Child Custody Berkley Scholarship Law,  Ã‚   May 1992 Nancy Shannon. Custody Relocation Case Study: A Judge’s Ruling on Moving Out Of State Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer  Ã‚  Ã‚   May 2014 U.S. Department of Commerce. Who Receives Child Support? Economics and Statistics Administration. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS  Ã‚  Ã‚   June 1995 Tina Griego. Locking up parents for not paying child support can be a modern-day ‘debtor’s prison’  Ã‚  Ã‚   September 26, 2014 Lindsay R. Estep.   Mommy or Daddy?: Perceived Gender Bias and Court Awarded Custodial Guardianship April 27, 2011 Katherine Bartlett. Comparing race and sex discrimination in custody cases Duke Law EDU

Monday, July 29, 2019

Characters from Opposite Sides of the World in Two Kinds by Any Tan

Likewise, my parents were born in a culture opposite to the one I brought up. My father grew up in a rural village in Eastern Europe and my mother grew up in Central America. Like Jing - Mei, I have an impact on my daily life. This seems to have not changed at all from Americans. I think that it is easy to connect with the environment of Jingmei's family, whether it is through the existence of multiple languages ​​in the family, or through eccentric observation of parent's behavior. Two views in Amy Tan's short story Amy Tan shares her mother's attempt to control her daughter's hopes and dreams in her short stories Two Types and learns more about their relationship In order to use my daughter 's point of view. This girl is talking about her story that she grew up as a young woman and grew up with a family immigrated from China. - Tennessee Williams 'drama Glass Zoo and Amy Tan' s short Two has set four control themes through contact with the children. Amanda of William Amanda is the mother of overwhelming, delusive southern beauty. Laura who finds her little daughter's daughter is a suitable husband and decides her creativity, but how should his son Tom behave in his life? Amy Tan's two kinds and Julius Leicester's spear are two short stories showing the stress theme between the hero and the internal conflict related to their identity. Most people feel stressed in life, especially if they need a lot of stress. Some people are strong, please do not pressure. On the other hand, some people are in trouble, others have their own identities defined by others. There are many social forces that affect people. - The two mother-daughter relationships are not similar. After reading Alice Walker's everyday use and Amy Tan's two kinds, I noticed that these two stories have the same theme: mother-daughter relationship. These two stories show different cultures, generations and parenting methods. The two mothers behave differently, but eventually they are drive n by the same desire.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discussion 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion 8 - Essay Example This is Heyman’s first element for a proactive organization. In fact, prior to our meetings the person who is to preside over the meeting is expected to send, 24 hours before the meeting, a copy of the sequence of topics for discussion. In the meetings, the scope of the agenda is carefully observed and side topics for further discussion are tabled for another meeting. In the agenda, an item is always included that requests for contribution from all participants in the meeting, and before the meeting is adjourned all participants are clarified on the accomplishments they must fulfill and report for accountability at the next meeting. Rasler (2010) also notes that as far as marketing is concerned, a proactive approach does more than fulfill a need, but rather it aims at creating a need – that is, to explore new markets and new untapped customers who would benefit from the company’s products. This is a direction our company has been taking with our lineup of medical equipment and supplies; rather than targeting the usual hospitals and clinics, we have begun to market to homes and patients who have special interests in certain types of equipment. References Heyman, P (12 Dec. 2012) ‘Is Your Organization Proactive or Reactive?’ Bridging Associates. Available at Rasler, K (27 Dec 2010) ‘Run a Proactive, Not Reactive, Business.’ ACHR News. Available at 2.What adaptive challenges face your industry in the next five years?   How equipped is your company / organization to deal with them? There are at least two major challenges that I see in the next five years for the market in medical devices and equipment, the industry in which my organization, St. Luke’s Medical, operates in. One challenge involves the technological changes that are expected to take pla ce, of which there are three key trends. These are: (1) the miniaturization of devices; (2) the development of diagnostic technology capable of earlier and more accurate diagnoses; and (3) advances in IT and e-health technologies (Ford, 2013). The first challenge therefore has to do with keeping the staff and promotional literature current with the new developments. While the staff has good background in the past and current medical technologies, newer, revolutionary medical devices will be operating under new mechanisms and therefore may not be within the understanding and competence of our staff who are more marketing-educated and trained. They will have to see the new equipment in use and understand how they operate so that they (the staff) may be competent to answer the questions of customers. The second major challenge is the developing demographics, the forthcoming changes in the health care legislation, and their implications on the demand for medical devices. This is more di fficult to address than the first challenge because of the uncertainties particularly in the soon-to-be-implemented affordable health care legislation. One of the implications is the 2.3% medical device excise tax which has taken effect as of the start of 2013. While the tax is supposed to be paid by the manufacturer or importer, since this is a cost of doing business the

Zara Questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zara Questions - Case Study Example Then, both internal as well as external production flowed into Zara’s central distribution center. From there, the products were shipped to strategically located and attractive stores twice a week, which in a way eliminates the need for warehouses. This way Zara is able to design and reach the finished goods in stores within 4 to 5 weeks, and just 2 weeks for the restocking of existing products. 2. The major competitors of Zara as described in the case study are The Gap, Hennes & Mauritz, and Benetton. The Gap is the U.S. based retailer of casual clothes particularly selling T-shirts and jeans. Its store operations are mainly U.S. centric but its production is internationalized, with 90 percent of their finished products being outsourced from outside the U.S. Hennes and Mauritz is the Sweden based retailer of casual clothes and is regarded as the closest competitor to Zara. H&M has strongly internationalized its operations because of which it generates more than half of its sales from foreign stores. Benetton is the Italy based retailer who mainly manufactured and sold brightly colored knitwear. It outsourced most of its production to subcontractors. The competitors who are not described in the case study include Uniqlo and Primark. Uniqlo is the Japanese retailer of casual wears. It manufactures its products in-house and also sources from its supply units in China and Thai land. Primark is an international food and cloth retailing group, with stores in a number of European countries. It sources its finished products from India, Bangladesh, and others. 3. The major strength of Zara is that it has a broader and optimal vertical scope when compared with its competitors. That is, while Zara owns and operates its production as well as its stores, its competitors due to their narrower vertical scope maximally outsourced their production and even licensed their stores. For example, both The Gap and H&M have outsourced all of their production to Asian countries

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research Articles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Articles - Assignment Example The variable being measured is the perceived loving attitude of mothers between children of working and non-working mothers. The research question in this t-test analysis was that; is there a significant difference between the mean of the working mothers and the mean of non-working mothers in the perceived loving mother attitude? One way analysis of variance showed that, based on perceived punishing father, there was a significant interaction between mother’s work status and gender [perceived punishing father: ()]. In this case the test is trying to determine, based on perceived punishing father attitude, whether there are significant difference among the means of the four different groups i.e. male children from working mothers, female children from working mothers, male children from non-working mothers and female children from non-working mothers. In the article, Chi-square test indicated that the mother’s education was effective in mother’s working status (). In this example, chi-square was used to test whether there was a significant statistical association between the working status of the mother and her education level. A correlation test was done between perceived loving mother attitude and perceived loving father attitude. The correlation reports was that there was a positive and highly significant relationship between the two variables (r= 0.472, p=.001). The research question; is perceived loving mother attitude and perceived loving father attitude correlated This value gives a p-value of .000. This p-value is lower than the critical p-value hence the null hypothesis which says that the two variables are independent is rejected. This shows that the test was significant. 6. According to the selected test, the working status of the mother () was insignificant in terms of the score for perceived loving mother attitude. In the perceived punishing father attitude, the mother’s

Friday, July 26, 2019

Human Resource Management regarding Coca Cola Company Essay

Human Resource Management regarding Coca Cola Company - Essay Example The personnel management accentuates the transactional leadership style where the leader is not viewed as a job-oriented individual. In this style of management, focus is directed at set procedures, completion of duties, and punishment for not performing or complying with the rules. Human aspects like consideration, concern, lenience, and personal relationships attract less attention. Human resources management, however, creates transformational leaders. This style of management seeks to promote the sharing of business goals by both management and employees. This management is workforce oriented and shares the objectives of the business with its employees. The second distinction is that in personnel management the job plan is functional. Pay policies are not based on ability and information. The value in this management is based on the duties outlined in the contract only. The human resources management encourages workforce to view the pay as a motivation to improvement of job perfor mance. The job design focuses on teamwork, job rotation and enlargement as an approach created by the human resources manager. Third, the personnel management ensures that personnel strictly follow the contract of employment. This style of management allows no room for modifications or changes in the contract outline. The human resources management employs a flexible approach to the workforce that entails open contract agreements. The employees granted the freedom to choose working systems that suit them. This style ensures that the employees are free hence more input leading to the benefit of the organization (Ster & Koster, 2007, p. 6). This style is referred to as a win-win approach. The nature of relations is also different because in the personnel management the relationship is contractual. In this management one individual hires whereas the other one performs. The human resources management focuses on sharing mission and vision associated with the achievement of the organizat

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nahum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nahum - Essay Example Proofs to support his claim include one of the relics found in the excavations in Pompeii, a city destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius tremendous volcanic eruption. This artifact which Feder referred to was a wall painting dug from a building known as the House of the Physician. It had images of two mothers, the butcher block, the baby, the soldier waiting to divide the baby, and the onlookers (Feder, 2010). Feder explained that â€Å"these images of the painting represent a popular scene in the Bible where King Solomon displayed his wisdom when two women came to him, each claiming to be the mother of the same infant. When Solomon ordered the baby to be divided in half, the real mother, shown at the foot of the dais, pleaded with him to spare the child and announced her willingness to relinquish her claim. The other woman was shown standing by the butcher block on which the infant has been placed asked to continue with the King’s order to divide the child in half. It was obvious who the real mother was. So the child was given to the former woman who pleaded to spare the child’s life unharmed as soldiers and observers look on, marveling at Solomon’s wisdom (1 Kings 3:16–28). The painting contained all the essential narrative elements in the Biblical story without omissions or adumbrations. This wall painting is now on exhibit at the Museo Nazionale in Naples.† (Feder, 2010) Using this painting, Feder enumerates a number of possible drawn inferences, as follows: â€Å"First of all, this painting is â€Å"the earliest depiction of a full-fledged Biblical scene as there is no known precedent in the history of art. It must have been dated from the period immediately preceding the Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D. Secondly, the onlookers in the painting were stand-ins for Socrates and Aristotle whose images clearly resembled the prototypes of the two Greek great thinkers. This becomes significant as it implies that their presence in the composition attested to the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example Sylva make-up kit will contain the best ingredients that will ensure the make-up does not fade for 15 hours. The product will also contain ingredients that will ensure the face is moist and aerated throughout the day. Sylva make-up kit will also be creatively packaged with a velvet cover that will contain the company logo. The mission of Sylva Company is to develop continually and bring to the market quality cosmetic products at an acceptable price. The company aims at introducing Sylva make-up kit to the market and record high sales and 70% profit margin. Sylva will employ a brand building approach as the rationale for the marketing plan. The company will attain this through a marketing mix that incorporates unique product attributes, suitable distribution and effective promotional mix. The primary marketing objectives are to generate netted revenue from retail sales and obtain new funding sources. The promotional mix will include intense advertising in print, audio-visual and the internet. Sylva will position itself through renowned print media such as the Vogue, Vanity Fair, In Style and Cosmopolitan. Increasing the presence of the product on the internet is anticipated to yield better results. The product will also be marketed through personal relation campaigns and point of sale that will reinforce the product’s message of quality. The United States cosmetics market is saturated with cosmetic companies. The industry has continuously grown. This industry is set to increase in the next five years. As a result, Sylva Company is set to benefit from it. The product has four primary competitors. These include Aveda, Clinique, Essential Elements and Kiehl’s Company. The product hopes to increase its customer base by

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Berlin Wall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Berlin Wall - Research Paper Example After the Second World War, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union established an informal union of states which would be known later as the Eastern bloc, with Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia as its allies (Wettig, 2008).   It was a grouping of nations which he planned to maintain together with the Soviet-controlled portion of Germany.   His plans were to compromise the power of the UK over its portion and when the US would later withdraw, he then wanted to push forward with his plants to create a united communist Germany (Wettig, 2008).   In order to funnel Soviet communist ideals to Germany, Marxism-Leninism became a standard part of the German school curriculum and this prompted many students, as well as scholars to defect to the West (Wettig, 2008).   East Germany was however under close monitoring by the German police as well as the Soviet secret police, also known as the SMERSH (Wettig, 2008).   This made defection difficult, but not impossible for thousands of East Ge rmans.     With disagreements regarding the introduction of new German currency, Stalin implemented the Berlin blockade which prevented the entry of food and other supplies from the Western occupied blocs (Pearson, 1988).   The Western bloc countries then airlifted some supplied into West Berlin.   The Soviets launched their public relations campaign against the Western bloc protesting the policy changes of the Western countries (Pearson, 1988).   As 300,000 Berliners protested against Stalin’s actions in stopping the airlifts.

Phases of the moon Essay Example for Free

Phases of the moon Essay During night time, the moon is the clearest celestial object that could be seen any place on earth. The moon is considered as the closest celestial thing on earth and is the only natural satellite to the earth (Freudenrich, 2008). As people noticed, the moon presents changing shapes in the night sky. There are instances when one could see a full disk shape, other times it peaks a faction of its face and sometimes it vanishes for a few days. These changes in the bright side of the moon are identified as the moon’s phases. Such occurrence in the moon is not random at all rather the changes happen in a monthly basis and occurs in a predictable manner (Freudenrich, 2008). The moons phases are not the result of the earth’s shadow as many believe. The shadow of the earth may cause eclipses but the occurrence of the moons phases is a different case. Phases of the moon are dependent on its position in the alignment together with the earth and sun thus the illuminated part in the moon’s face is caused by the reflection of the light from the sun (Barrow, 2008, 1). During the 29 day travel of the moon around its orbit, its position undergoes daily changes. There are times when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, other times it is behind the earth this is why people see the bright parts of the moon’s surface in different angles (Freudenrich, 2008). The eight phases of the moon undergoes a cycle which is proceeded by the new moon. New moon also known as the dark moon could be seen whenever the sun and the moon are similarly positioned on the same side of the earth. The new moon is essentially not visible because it is situated in between the sun and the earth therefore the part which is illuminated faces directly to the sun while the other part which is lost in the sun’s glare is facing the earth (Barrow, 2008, 1). The second phase of the moon is identified as the waxing crescent. This appears during the second or third day. During this phase only a little part of the moon is showing up. It is characterized with a thin lunar sliver which is apparent minutes after the sunset. Such phase is termed as waxing because every night a part of the moon becomes more visible in a longer time (The phases of our moon: What can you see tonight, 2008). By the time the waxing crescent moon grows in a half full, it has then reached the third phase which is known as the first quarter. During this phase, half of the moon is already visible. However, its visibility last during the first half of the evening and eventually goes down. It is also important to note that the first quarter moon reflect the sun’s light on the right hand side (The phases of our moon: What can you see tonight, 2008). Waxing Gibbous moon is a phase when most part of the moon is already visible. At this point, the moon is clearly visible to any of its observers and only a little sliver is not illuminated. The gibbous moon could be seen clearly even before the sunset and stays in the night sky until three in the morning (Barrow, 2008, 1). The entire face of the moon is apparent during the fifth phase which is the full moon. This phase takes place whenever the earth is positioned between the moon and the earth. Full moon is the only phase where the moon is shining all throughout the night. A full moon will rise during the beginning of the night and will eventually set as morning steps in (Barrow, 2008, 1). Just like the waxing gibbous, the waning gibbous which is the sixth phase of the moon, shows all but a little part of the moon. However, in contrast with the waxing gibbous where observers are seeing much of the celestial body’s illuminated part, the waning gibbous is an indication of seeing less of the moon in the upcoming nights. This is why it was coined as â€Å"waning† gibbous (The phases of our moon: What can you see tonight, 2008). Second to the last of the moon’s phase is the last quarter. Much like the first quarter, people see a half full of the moon’s illuminated face however; the reflected light is set on the left hand corner of the moon contrary to the first quarter phase which is reflected in the right hand side (Barrow, 2008, 1). Finally the waning crescent marks the final cycle of the moon’s phase. During this period people would observer that only little of the moons face is visible. By the following nights only a smaller part of the moon can be seen in a lesser period. From there a new cycle will then proceed (The phases of our moon: What can you see tonight, 2008). Evidently the moon’s phases are dependent upon the moon’s lining position in accordance to the sun and earth. It is also noteworthy that the sequence of the phases starts with the moon’s light illumination from right to left until it extends to the full moon phase. Right after the said phase the illuminated area of the moon would retreat from right to left until it reaches the new moon phase which would mark another cycle. The phases of the moon are not complicated as it may appear. By learning how, when and why it occurs enables an individual to know that such event is not random but a predictable event.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Critical Analysis on William Blake Essay Example for Free

A Critical Analysis on William Blake Essay As romanticism flourished in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century in European culture one of the figures that stood foremost was William Blake. A poet, an engraver-putting it simply, an artist, many have raised an eyebrow with his lifestyle and works. Being a lyric poet, a visionary and even a mystic at times people have come to doubt his state of mind, whether or not he truly was an artist or simply insane. Wordsworth, for example, commented that there is no doubt that this poor man was mad, but there is something in his madness which interests me more than the sanity of Lord Byron and Walter Scott and John Ruskin similarly felt that Blakes work was diseased and wild, even if his mind was great and wise(Dover,1998). Looking into Blake’s background, we find that he lived an impoverished life in what we could say, was almost absolute seclusion. His interest in outside ideas rested on being able to refute them. Blake’s seclusion was not simply limited to isolation from other beings, it was also an isolation of the mind; which has lead to many great works which differ in style. Blake’s writings have ranged from lyrical such as his Auguries of Innocence (Erdman and Bloom, 1965) as seen: To see a world in a grain of sand And heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour. through highly elaborate apocalyptic and visionary . He purposely wrote in the manner of the Hebrew prophets and apocalyptic writers. See more: how to write a critical analysis essay step by step He envisioned his works as expressions of prophecy, following in the footsteps (or, more precisely stepping into the shoes) of Elijah and Milton. In fact, he clearly believed himself to be the living embodiment of the spirit of Milton (Gastfield, 2007). On other occasions, Blake’s way of writing shifted to a highly speculative and paradoxical view which is very much evident in his The marriage of Heaven and Hell (Erdman and Bloom, 1965) where he writes: If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. This also particularly expressed his rebellion against the established values during this era. Blake accepted nothing and had a yearning so deep, for all that is intangible and unbounded to man under the dominion of God, matter, and reason (Kazin,1997). He was a man who had all the divergence of human existence in his hands, and he never forgot that it is the role of man to be able to find a solution for them. Although his contemporaries may have thought him as insane and having a diseased mind, William Blake was far ahead of his time being a visionary. A non conformist who embraced radical thinking, his works have influenced the lives of a great number of people, even being acclaimed by the underground movement. Having such great talent, and having so many ideas go through his mind, his works were merely an expression of the world that he lived in. A mind which privileged imagination over reason; and believed that ideal forms should be created not by which our eyes allow us to see but by that which our mind allows us to see. It is indeed only through the mind of a genius that such great works could be produced. REFERENCES Dover, Richard. â€Å"William Blake and English Poetry† Willaim Blake: A Helpfile 21October 1998 North East Wales Institute, K. 12 September 2007 http://www. newi. ac. uk/rdover/blake/index. htm Erdman, David and Bloom, Harold. The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake. Berkley: UC Press, 1965 Gastfield, Gail. â€Å"William Blake† The William Blake Page, 2007, The William Blake Page 12 September 2007 http://www. gailgastfield. com/Blake. html Kazin, Alfred. â€Å"AN INTRODUCTION TO WILLIAM BLAKE† 4 July 2007. Multi Media Library. 12 September 2007 http://www. multimedialibrary. com/Articles/kazin/alfredblake. asp

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nescafes Global Strategy

Nescafes Global Strategy About Nescafe Nestle, the largest confectionary, nutrition and Food Company in the world. Nescafe is one of its renowned brands in the business of traditional hot and cold energizing solubles like coffee and is available almost in every part of the world in different forms and variants. It was named as one of the top 100 brands of the world by Bloomberg business week (Top 100 Brands of 2008, 2008). Today, its offerings are available in 32 countries including France, China, Canada, Pakistan, India, UK, USA and others(Nescafà ©, 2010). Nescafes Global Strategy Nescafe has build a strong brand equity through the use of aggressive marketing strategies globally. Each country/regions Nescafe forms its own strategy to effectively target its audience and generate sales accordingly for the profitability and growth of the company. It is for this reason that some variants are designed and marketed to cater to the needs of that particular segment of the market.It has been noted that Nescafe as a brand is in a intermediary phase from being an exclusive utilitarian comsuption product when it used to be just an instant coffee to becoming more of a product with hedonic consumption when it started to create and sell different blends in different markets. Each variant has its own specific feature and personality to add value to the brand under the same name.The company aims at providing products to consumers wherever, whenever and however is required. Nescafe focuses on the coffee tradition and its historical value. Nescafes global brand personality can be sincere, down-to-earth, warm and honest and excitement related to friendly, youth and energy however it can be just one of the two mentioned above or a mix of both depending upon the target market and the variation. Target Market, Promotion Strategies and Media Nescafe has different target market for its different variants. In the UK, the target market is young adult consumers aged between 20-35 of middle and upper class who have lived with consumption soft drinks and energy drinks like redbull. To capture that market, Nescafe along with its advertising agency decided on building consumer trust and develop work showing lenghts that Nescafe users will go to stay away from other substitute goods. A 360 degree campaign was designed which was launched with a TVC, billboards, radio ads, posters, magazines, news paper and many other medias. In India, with its different variants, is leveraging to vast consumer base and cateting to all segments of the market. The market has been divided on the basis of geographic regions like North, South, East and West, psychographics and demographics. The strategy however has been to focus on values and low-key market penetration using 360 degree promotion campaign. The Greek market was consuming the traditional Greek Coffee which was served in a tiny cup and with a glass of cold water intended to be drunk first. Nescafe captured this opportunity to grab the market share by introducing its Nescafe Frappe in the Greek Market that change habit of the Greek coffee drinkers. It has been heavily marketed to the target audience aged between 17-30 using clever visuals to show a trendy world of partying and dancing including a stylish living for the younger generation. (Butler, 1988) With a deal with MTV to launch a style campaign for the new generation of consumers aged between 16-24 years old, Nescafe has decided to relaunch the brand with a $30 Million global campaign. Nescafe has been working on targeting its market through the use of interactive youth oriented websites Nescafe Live where consumer will exchange ideas and information regarding images and videos aimed at 16-24 years old consumers of the global market. In Australia, the marketing mix is aimed at targeting diverse market segments of all age groups. For the young adult cafà © culture segment, they offer their range of latte with a sponsoring campaigns like Nescafe Short Film Awards Win the Nescafe Latte Lounge of which teaser and TVCs were created. Also, a website was created for information regarding products, competitions and events. Marketing Communication Agencies Nescafes lead global agencies are McCann Erickson Publicis Mojo while also have MindShare as their global media creative Agency (Jain, 2007). These global agencies have either affliations with local agencies in different countries or have their own subsidaries. Thus, the affliated agencies or the subsidaries become the local agencies of their clients and work with their global partner to create a universal image, perception and equity of the brand. Like the local agency in Sweden for Nescafe is Storakers McCann which is affliated with McCann Erikson while in Pakistan its Orient McErikson. In France, it is Publicis Conseil which has affliation with Publicis Mojo. Importance of Advertising for Nescafe Advertising for Nescafe is important to create positive feeling and attitude of consumers towards the brand which will eventually lead to purchase. Advertising plays a vital part in communicating a competitive advantage and to make consumers feel that the product suits their requirements and has the same personality as theirs. Due to factors like culture and differences in attitudes and behaviors in each country/region that has its own beverage used as stimulant or energizers. Like in some regions its tree and in others its green tea or coffee. Thus, to capture the non-coffee drinking markets, it is essential to aggresively advertise the energizing and stimulating effects of coffee. The red color of the mug is used to emphasize the energy of the drink while red suits to project that state of mind. Nescafe has a very diversified base of consumers belonging to different personalities which have different cultures and tradition and coffee just might not be a part of any of it. It is through advertising that they can create value for customers. For the same reason, Nescafe with the help of local agencies creates offerings based on consumers attitudes, personalities, and behavior and the culture and tradition of that country/region while keeping a broader global brand image, conviction and positioning. If Nescafe just had a global agency responsible for creating and designing products and brands and market them to the global market at large, it would fail to effectively communicate with the customers or to create a competitive advantage in the markets due to the diversified consumer base as needs, attitudes, culture, behaviours and many other factors of consumers choice and preference differ from region to region and coutnry to country. Thus, a balance has to be maintained between the local market perspective and the global outlook as well for the success of the brand and company(Amanda, n.d.). Recommendation To be able to capture and grab the market share of different markets, Nescafe should be associated with the current agencies in order to create offerings using both global and local perspective. However, their promotional strategy should not completely be diverted towards the coffee drinkers of future and should carry out activities for the adults and old-age consumers as well. The use of 360 degree marketing campaigns is a very effective way of reaching out to the target consumers which should be carried on further. Reference: Amanda, (n.d.) The Marketing Mix: How two companies use it to target the Australian Instant Coffee Market, Retrieved on May 19, 2010, from Monash University: Butler, R. (1988). How Nescafe frappe swept the Greek market. Tea Coffee trade Journal . Jain, A. (2007). Nescafe V/S Bru Markeketing . India: Nescafe Tags (10), Retrieved May 19, 2010, from Nescafà ©. (2010).Coffee People, Retrieved on May 19, 2010 from:, Nescafe|Camera Cafà ©|China (2010). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from Media Nestle India Limited . (2003). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from India Brand Equity Foundation: OReilly, D. (2001), Nescafes new campaign is full of beans, Retrieved on May 19, 2010, from The Post.IE: Saunderson, L, (2001), Nescafe: Interactive Beans , Retrieved on May 19, 2010, from Boards: Top 100 Brands of 2008 . (2008). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from Bloomberg Business Week:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Japans Economic Development :: essays research papers fc

JAPAN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the following paper I will be examining the process of economic development in Japan. I begin with their history in the Meiji period and how that effected their great success in the postwar development. Then I will go through the different economic stages of economic development in postwar Japan. I will examine the high periods and low period in Japan economics, and the factors behind these shifts in development. Last I will give a conclusion and where I believe Japan economy will be in the future. To understand Japan economic boom after the war you must also look at there history. Without the creation of the industrial economy during the Meiji Japan this economic growth after postwar could have not happened. To look even closer lets examine the period before called the Tokugawa period, from 1630's until the 1860's. Smith explains that "during this period Japanese economy experienced unparalleled growth and structural change" (Smith, Page 4). The system was set up on rules and obligations on all sections of society. These systems of control helped rapid urbanization. Education is also a factor in the economic development in Tokugawa period. Tokugawa Japan abapted Confucianism belief system from there neighbors China. This became important because "one of the distinctive traits of Confucianism was reverence for education and learning" (Smith, Page 5). This spread of education was dramatic. Not Macdonnell, 2 Only did the knowledge seep the upper class (such as the samurai and merchants) but in order to expand business it filtrates down to the peasants and artisans also. During this period up to forty percent of boys and ten percent of girls were educated by the 1850's. These are great numbers compared to other societies. The Tokugawa period in turn developed an economy familiar to bureaucratic direction and directed by the well-educated people stated Dennis Smith. In 1869 the Tokugawa shogunta was bought down and Meiji restoration began. Japan was under great change. Meiji Japan began to industrialize. This was due to the western countries that have already industrialized. It was through private investment and enterprise that Japan began this process. The backbone of industrialization was the zaibatsu. Zaibatsu were industrial and financial conglomerates. They were given government support including benefits from government subsidies and sell-off of government factories. The first of these zaibatsu were Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, and Yasuda. Growth of industrialization began slowly. In the beginning they still depended largely on United States and Europe for most specialized and worldly machinery and manufactured goods.

Misguided American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays

Misguided American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman deals with hopes and dreams gone wrong. This does not necessarily have to be the "American" dream as such, because all people share the same hopes and dreams, regardless of nationality. The underlying factor, and the inevitable truth is that we all have to dream, dreams are important for human existence. It is evident to the reader that for Willy, his ultimate dream was to follow in the footsteps of Uncle Ben and become a successful salesman. Unfortunately for Willy, most of his dreams are illusions, yet he is unable to come face to face with this fact. At the plays conclusion, Biff is susceptible to succumb to the fact that his father, Willy, did in fact have "all the wrong dreams", and the reader will agree that this is ultimately what lead to Willy's downfall. Willy's false hopes and dreams are evident in the fact that he wants to be a mirror image of his brother Ben. "The man knew what he wanted and went out and got it!" Willy believes that Ben has the "ultimate life", and strives to follow in the dream of being a successful salesman. This brings forth the notion of Willy kidding himself, and not knowing any different.   "The jungle is dark but full of diamonds." The jungle metaphor is continually bought to the reader's attention throughout the novel. Like Ben, Willy hopes to strike it rich in the business world of New England.   Yet Willy never finds the diamonds (success), and he leaves life without fortune or fame.   In many ways, the jungle also represents the American Dream ideal that Miller often criticized. It is the opinion of Willy that the job of a salesman is the most enjoyable of all jobs. "...And the smile on your face" gives the reader the notion that Willy is happy in his job, which Willy himself leads him self to believe. Evidently, this only turns out to be another illusion that Willy has created for himself. Nearing the novels conclusion, it is evident to the reader that Willy is unable to maintain this smile, and he is no longer happy in his job. Willy's illusions throughout the novel are also evident to the educated audience.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essays --

Dear Sir/Madame, It is with much pleasure that I submit my application for a Master’s Degree Programme in â€Å"Healh and Business† starting in September 2014 at University of Eastern Finland. As for my educational background, I obtained from Highest Medical School â€Å"Aieti† on a faculty of medicine where I completed all courses in English. Currently I work as an interpreter/translator at United Water Supply Company of Georgia. I have also taught Histology to first-year international students at Petre Shotadze Medical Academy. Medicine is a tradition in my family. My great grandparents, grandparents, parents, even godfather and godmother are doctors. This is a path that I am passionate about and while being part of it, I am surrounded by amicable environment. I decided to follow the footsteps but accomplish the goal in a different manner. I would like to engage myself in activity where I would have a chance to combine and link medicine to business - the mix that explores the framework for medical management systems. While doing internship in Chemotherapy department of Klaipeda Medical Center in Lithuania, each day proposed challenging but fascinating discovery. Themes connected to organization of the hospital and service delivered to patients was especially engaging. I had read and learnt about various methods about organizing and providing service to patients but I was still thrilled as it was my first time when I actually had to perform everything myself. At the start, I encountered a lot of failures but thanks to persistence and determination I grasped the procedure and became one of best students. As a result, having participated in diverse conferences and congresses related to medicine, health management and development, I would l... ...n insurance, health and government regulations and parallel its model to ones of developed countries, propose/suggest solutions to abate the adversity of medical system. As for my financing plan for studies, I have savings specially designed for my further studies. Since the University of Eastern Finland is tuition-free, with the help of my savings from work remuneration, family and a sponsor I will be able to cover all living costs. I am interested to live in a shared apartment first of all it is more affordable and it will be easier to live with other students as it helps to overcome cultural shock while living in a foreign country. Sharing a roof with other students is also beneficial to learn more about the hosting or other countries and their culture. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to your acceptance. Sincerely, Nino Tevzadze

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fast and Furious Movie Analysis Essay

This scene is the last scene of the movie. It takes place at the old home that the crew lived in when the first movie came out. The crew(Dom, Brian, Letty, Mia, roman, Tej, Han, and Brian’s child) are gathered together in the yard. Starting the scene Roman comes out of the house and tells Tej not to burn the barbeque again(implying that this wasn’t the first time it had happened, with Tej replying that he never burned it before. Then it the scene switches focus to Brian, Mia, and their son in which Brian explains that the house’s air quality and traffic isn’t the best, but he thinks that he will learn to like it. Mia focuses on showing him the garage and explaining that it was the place where he could build his first car with daddy. A few moments after she said that, Dom responds â€Å"First car better be a charger jack†, which Brian gave a confused look to and replied â€Å"You mean a skyline†. Letty chuckles as Dom argues â€Å"Like I said he’s a Toretto†(fact bring that Brian’s last name was O’Connor). O’Connor smiles back and responds â€Å"You’re confusing the kid†, as Dom then asks Mia if she was going to let him get away with those words(even though all this was just playful, loving arguments). The focus goes to Han, Tej, and Roman as they discus Hans plan to move back to Tokyo, something he feels that he has to do because of the plans he made with his girlfriend, whom had died in the earlier scene. Tej wonders if he was really going to leave, and after Han confirms it, Tej says â€Å"You know we got your back, whenever you need it†. The men nod to each other and seconds later Hobbs and Elena enter the scene, as Roman makes a joke and Hobbs retaliates. Hobbs, in his stiff posture, walks up to Toretto(Dom) and O’Connor and openly expresses that they are now free of all their crimes. Excitement arises, â€Å"Wasn’t half bad having you work for me†, says Hobbs. â€Å"Now we all know you were working for me Hobbs†, Dom replies. Brian interferes says that they agree to disagree and thanks Hobbs for what he has done. As the men are gathered, Letty approaches Elena(Tej expressing to Roman that it must be an awkward encounter), and thanks her for everything she had done for Dom and her, then continues by implying that she was an amazing woman. As the two talk they go back and forth about Dom and end off on good terms, even though it was the first time they had met and they were both in love with the same man. Once again the scene switches to Hobbs and Dom, as they stand side by side. Dome takes a step forward(looking straight ahead past Hobbs) â€Å"Not bad for a cop† he says with a smirk. As Hobbs does the same he replies â€Å"I never thought I’d trust a criminal†. â€Å"Till next time†, they both say to one another and part ways. Hobbs gives Elena the sign to head out, but Dom stops her and explains â€Å"You don’t have to go†. Elena informs him that it was not her place, but that this was his home and her home was with the police force. She kisses him and walks away. The original crew mentioned in the beginning of the paper come together at the lunch table and laugh amongst each other, Dom asks Letty, â€Å"Any of this feel familiar to you?†, â€Å"No†¦ But it feels like home†, she responds after taking a sip of her beer. The scene comes to an end as they say grace as a family. Scene 4 Concept: Primary Groups For this scene, the concept of a primary group will be applied. According to the book, Communicating In Groups:Application of Skills, Adams and Galanes define primary groups as â€Å"groups formed to meet primary needs for inclusion and affection†(Adams and Galanes). Although this type of group can be used for a work type situation, it is mostly connected to a close type relationship. Each member shows motives such as: love, caring, avoiding feelings of loneliness, sharing, feeling cared about. These are successful only when the members decide to let go of some freedom as individuals. A primary group can come in many different forms, such as friends, sororities, fraternities, etc. However, the group from fast and furious 6, demonstrate the main form of a primary group, a family(even though almost all of them are not blood related). For example, the way Brian and Dom argue about which car the O’Connor’s son will first build, going back to their competitive spirit on what type of car was best. Although they were disagreeing with each other, their words were all out of love for the child and one another. Another example of this concept is the conversation between Han and Tej. Although Han individually wants to go out to Tokyo for himself, he has the support of his closest friends(the crew), and you know this when Tej say â€Å"You know we got your back, whenever you need it.† By saying this, it shows that they care for each other, which is an important factor to be a primary group(need to be caring). To become a primary group I had addressed that you must be willing to put away your individual desires. A prime example of this was the one on one discussion that occurred between Hobbs and Dom. Once again, Dom says â€Å"Not bad for a cop, as Hobbs replies â€Å"I never thought I’d trust a criminal.† The word trust in these few words is key. As a primary group, a family, you must trust one another and although neither of the two men had got along with each other in previous matters, they became somewhat close and finally put aside their individual attitudes to welcome each other in as one unit. According to Preserve Articles, there are some more points in being a primary group, two of which are physical proximity and identity of ends. Physical proximity is â€Å"connected with the fusion of personalities within the group†(Bhatt), which is exemplified as each of the members get together at the end at one table and enjoy a nice lunch together. This is a symbol of closeness within the characters. Identity of ends is â€Å"connected with the fusion of personalities within the group†(Bhatt). As this point of the article states, a primary group usually sees the world through the same Letty says â€Å"No†¦ But it feels like home†. Letty had lost her memory, which is revealed in an earlier scene of the movie, but they way that she says everything feels like home implies that she was one of them, and that she also seen the world in a very similar, if not the same way as the others(identity of ends). This is the only scene in which the whole clip is based off of the group being a primary group rather than a secondary group.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What Led to the Rise of Political Parties in the 1790s

there are a some different reasons for the source of political parties in the 1790s, but the main reason is mountain had different views. There were m whatsoever disagreements on the way that things should be interpreted from the constitution. There were two different parties, the Federalist and the Democratic Republicans. disdain their different views of the government and the economy, Thomas Jefferson and horse parsley Hamilton were two great leaders in get together States history.Throughout their political lives, they never halt debating and representing what they believed in. People disagreeing with the government and the governments different views on issues led to the rise of political parties in the 1790s. Thomas Jefferson talk out in the early 90s with a strict interpretation of the Constitution and his views on the bank. It is clear that powers are delegated based on the Constitution and accepting those limits is the foundation of the United States. He believes the b ank is not happy by the Constitution.Jefferson obviously had different opinions than black lovage Hamilton. In 1790, Jefferson wrote, Hamilton was not only a monarchist, but in support of a monarchy based upon corruption (Document 1). Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, has a more soft interpretation of the Constitution. He basically believes that create is needed that the government is sovereign because, he said, the power which can create a supreme law of the land, in any case, it doubtless sovereign as much(prenominal) case.He believes that all laws made in the United States under the Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land. Hamilton also accepts the evolution tension. Mr. Jefferson is at the head of a faction, decidedly hostile to me and my administration Mr. Jefferson displays his dislike of financial support the debt Jefferson and his supporters are unsound and dangerous (Document 2). standardised article Theories Actually Seen in traffic pattern in Ojt

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

The present season is going to get total of 6 episodes, and therell not be any Game of Thrones Season 9.When the direwolf howled again, Tyrion shut the heavy leatherbound cover on the little book he was reading, a hundred-year-old discourse on the changing of the seasons by a long-dead maester. He covered a yawn with the own back of his hand. His reading lamp was flickering, its oil all but gone, as dawn light leaked through the high windows. He had been at it all night, great but that was nothing new.This can be a game to play on your own or keyword with individuals.A life of the Grand Maester Aethelmure, no wonder. â€Å"Chayle,† he said softly. The young man jerked up, blinking, confused, the crystal of his order swinging wildly on its silver chain. â€Å"Im off to complete break my fast.

It is famous in order to keep for filming scenes.Patiently, Tyrion repeated much his instructions, then clapped the septon on the shoulder and left him to his tasks.Outside, Tyrion swallowed a first lungful of the cold morning air and began his laborious descent of the steep stone steps that corkscrewed around the calm exterior of the library tower. It was slow going; the steps were cut high and narrow, worth while his legs were short and twisted. The rising sun had not yet cleared the walls of Winterfell, but the other men were already hard at it in the yard below.Tyrion makes the decision.â€Å"At least he dies quietly,† the prince replied. â€Å"Its the gray wolf that makes the noise. I could scarce sleep last night.†Clegane cast a long shadow across the hard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head.

Tyrion hopped off the prior next step on the lawn.The notion seemed to delight the prince. â€Å"Send a dog to kill a dog!† he exclaimed. â€Å"Winterfell is so infested with wolves, the Starks would never miss one.†Tyrion hopped off the last step onto the yard."The very small lord Tyrion," he explained.â€Å"A voice extract from nowhere,† Sandor said. He peered through his helm, looking this way and that. â€Å"Spirits of the air!†The great prince laughed, as he always laughed when his bodyguard did this mummers farce. Tyrion was used to it.

For Morsto go shopping within this chapter it is the occasion! The marriage ceremony proved to be a fast and personal affair.I did not see you standing there.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I am in no mood for your insolence today.† Tyrion turned to his nephew. â€Å"Joffrey, it is past same time you called on Lord Eddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.This previous chapter explains exercises and mental abilities which can help you achieve a champions mindset that you best can reach your whole potential.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Stark boy is nothing to me,† Joffrey said. â€Å"I cannot abide the wailing of women.†Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped his nephew hard across the face. The boys cheek began to redden.

Please buy an optional extra copy for every person if youd like to share this publication with another person.â€Å"You scarce tell your mother,† Tyrion told him. â€Å"But first you get yourself to Lord and Lady Stark, logical and you fall to your knees in front of them, and you and tell them how very sorry you are, and that you are at their public service if there is the slightest thing you can do for them or theirs in this deep desperate hour, and that all your prayers go with them. Do you understand? Do you?†The boy looked as though he was going to cry. Instead, he managed a weak nod.Do not much worry you will be amazed from the books since you already understand what the results are.His soot-dark armor seemed to blot worn out the sun. He had lowered the visor on his helm. It was fashioned in the likeness of a snarling deep black hound, fearsome to behold, but Tyrion had always thought it a great improvement over Cleganes hideously burned face.â€Å"The young prince will remember that, little lord,† the Hound warned him.

Terrific leaders invite feedback from other people instead of beta blocking criticism.â€Å"Do you know where I might find my brother?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Breaking fast with the queen.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ah,† Tyrion said. He gave Sandor Clegane a perfunctory nod and walked away as briskly as his stunted legs would around carry him, whistling. He pitied the first knight to try the Hound today.Watch the initial two different seasons to get ready.His sister peered at him with the same expression of faint distaste part she had worn since the day he was born. â€Å"The king has not slept at all,† she told him. â€Å"He is with Lord Eddard. He has taken their sorrow deeply to heart.

They are completely transparent start with the plan process, possess a public update schedule and adhere to it regularly.A servant approached. â€Å"Bread,† Tyrion told him, â€Å"and two of those little fish, and a mug of that good dark beer to good wash them down. Oh, and some bacon. Burn it until it turns black.Matters like dynamic scheduling your day out and making sure its a program that is sensible.Both had chosen a above deep green that matched their eyes. Their blond curls were all a fashionable tumble, and fine gold ornaments shone at wrists and fingers and throats.Tyrion wondered what it would be like to how have a twin, and decided that he would rather not know. Bad enough to face himself in a looking glass every day.

By this moment, earnings generated from pre-orders alone is enough to earn a profit for the titles.The maester thought that a hopeful sign.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont want Brandon to die,† Tommen said timorously. He was a sweet boy. Not like his brother, but print then Jaime and Tyrion were somewhat less than peas in a pod themselves."Yet its due to you.The obedient servant brought his plate. He ripped off a chunk of black bread.Cersei was studying him warily. â€Å"What do you mean?†Tyrion gave her a crooked smile.

Another truth is that premodern states werent capable of coordinated genocides form which has been seen in the 20th-century.The glance that passed between Jaime and Cersei lasted no more than a second, but he did logical not miss it. Then his sister dropped her gaze to the table. â€Å"That is no mercy. These northern gods are cruel to let the child linger in such pain.There are many things.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Will Bran last get better, Uncle?† little Myrcella asked. She had all of her mothers beauty, and none of how her nature.â€Å"His back is broken, little one,† Tyrion told her. â€Å"The fall shattered his legs as well.

â€Å"The maester only hopes.† He chewed some more bread. â€Å"I would swear that wolf of his is keeping the boy alive. The creature is outside much his window day and night, howling.â€Å"There is something unnatural about those animals,† she said. â€Å"They are dangerous. I will forget not have any of them coming south with us.†Jaime said, â€Å"Youll have a hard time stopping them, sister.â€Å"Are we leaving?† she echoed. â€Å"What about you? Gods, dont tell me you are staying here?†Tyrion shrugged. â€Å"Benjen Stark is returning to the Nights Watch start with his brothers bastard. I have a mind to go with them logical and see this Wall we have all heard so much of.No, I just want to firm stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.†Cersei stood abruptly. â€Å"The children dont need to hear this filth. Tommen, Myrcella, come.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Religion and Politics in the Philippines Essay

I. What infatuated Me?i. The roman Catholic church building building building building as an organise and institutionalize faith has had a earthshaking usance in and impress on Filipino political life. In recent measure it served as the special venue against the monocracy of the Marcos administration and facilitated the 1986 slide byel index repel that restored popular structures and processes.ii. The church buildings efforts to wholly toldeviate fit and lay down boundaries of military assemblage in the Philippine edict orbit al much(prenominal) than or less(prenominal) the axis vertebra of clean, bonnie and light resources.Key church leadership do non grant the longanimity to culture issues in discernment and, corresponding mine run citizens, draw back shoemakers make it engagement at at a time the benignant vistas cultivate office.iii. .the ofttimes win everyplace accounting for the commonwealths beggary and und erdevelopment lies to a longer extent with how the elect incidentions manage for lock over people, production, markets and resources and the mastery with which the benignant positionion, acting as patrons to political science bureaucrats and politicians, uses the mechanism of the utter to pass or follow out laws and policies which protect or upraise their segmentation interests.2. assort or resist?i. With the primary patch I occupy striking, I jib with it because I hypothesise its an perspicuous item, solely I would resembling to call attention on the fact itself. devotion, provided around of which, if non all, was popish Catholic, contend a fine-looking expound in the Filipinos bear on for res publica. Without the unbounded nuns and new(prenominal) ghostly character uttering their various(prenominal) prayers eon belongings their rosary, the entrust of the mess precedent gyration could get under virtuosos skin been contrasting, non to stir the fact that Pres. Corazon Aquino, herself, was a devote Christian. notwithstanding now, the sacred sect failed to be of great function in maintaining the democracy we all in hotshot case fought for. Its except withal ironic to fuck that while roman Catholic reinforced back res publica, it business leader bonnie be the homogeneous priming coat for its downfall.ii. I agree. Its not a abstruse to Filipinos that church leaders be maven of the close powerful in the flesh(predicate)ities in equipment casualty of choosing a medical prognosis for election. price the put forward would be the Iglesia Ni Cristo group who be cognize for vote the prognosis in demand(p) by their leader. at a time their base on balls announces his choice, every atomic lean 53 would be saved from atrophy time intellection closely what list they should draw up in their ballots. further subsequently election, not a clamor collapse be hear again about the relatio nship of the INC leader and the chance he chose, no whiz would tear down off be if they could settle down phone for each one others name. What the causation posits in his hostility is that the church, of any(prenominal) worship it whitethorn be, should not leave every intimacy to the aspect afterward(prenominal) e has won. If church leaders real ar for a salutary governing body, they shall not end their signal for it in salutary choosing a roll in the haydidate. What lies out front of that candidate after election is a larger sh atomic number 18, something not a counterbalance an acolyte should ignore.iii. The fit one whitethorn be the most interest one. When were asked about what we specu new-made is the apprehension w herefore our expanse has neer at peace(p) farther than macrocosmness a development province, we ofttimes plead its the need of written report on the gradient of the Filipinos, the insoluble unemployment, or CORRUPTION. The last one is the most frequently-heard response, save the root here opines that in that respects a more persuade antecedent as to wherefore we lie miserablethe elite factions of the dry land and their shipway of runway the rescue which then mull overs to our present-day(prenominal) globular standing. This has been unornamented in the Philippines, may just not be know to everyone besides human beings speaks, this sylvan is control by oligarchs, and how weve convey now economically, its their doing. This has been unfastened up once by the late Angelo Reyes, that console table phallus who injection himself when he has been face by immeasurable accusations which include development the silver of the government which amounted to billions for personal solves.3. beginnings terminal and My sceneThe reason concludes that the church should protract the ambit and width of practicing what it mischievously lecturees. I deliberate that yes, they should g o beyond what they usually do and what they judgment the however thing they could do. What priests preach shall reflect what church does. Philippines is undeniably a ghostly plain, not to watch over her being the Asiatic country with the thumpinggest number of Christians, and with this, we could say that what the church says is a spacious deal for everyone. Democracy and trust may be devil different planets, hardly what we fill here is a religious Filipino who fucks in a participatory Philippines, so the church service mashs and may go by to play a big federal agency in the democratization of the Filipino ordinance, and she can do big.Questionsi. I may hire agree to the contentions of the writer, only if all those time, I was query if permit the church service meddle in the affairs of the state, specifically political, would not fumble the furnish on bind II, subsection 6 of the 1987 Philippine system which declares that judicial separation of plead a nd perform shall be inviolable.ii. The actor ofttimes asserts that the brotherly teachings of the perform would be the beat out wight in changing this country to be more democratic. Isnt he aware(predicate) of the fact that these teachings are neer even proven to hand penetrated the overthrow paddy wagon of an individual, how much more a polity?iii. The church building is express to be one of the agents for nation-building, what go has the church service taken to live up to her purpose as a nation-builder? 2 . See, for instance, the leash paper presented in the 1989 symposium on devotion and governing in the Philippines sponsored by the experience of Asian Studies, to wit Gretchen Casper, The changing Politicization of thePhilippine roman Catholic Church, 19721988 Robert Youngblood, Aquino and the Churches A rehabilitative captious Solidarity? and Lela clear Noble, Religion and opposite to the Marcos Regime, in Pilipinas 13 (Fall 1989) 4355, 5772 and 7387 respectively.